Many of you may have seen in your school time, that often parents and elders encourage students to become average.  The students have been forced to spend some extra time and effort on the subjects in which their performance is poor.  But it does not work in fact. It depends on the natural strength. If anybody is already good at something then he/she does not have to work on that. On the contrary, by putting more effort on a matter you can make it average but not naturally outstanding.

Talent & Skill:

Take an example of the training session provided by an organisation to the average people. With the training the people can work with an average skill and technique. But the requirement is far more than that. An organisation cannot run with a lot of average people. It needs some exceptional talents, who can handle the things in an amazing way. The recent world needs the brilliant and versatile mind who can handle lots of things simultaneously. He/she should have proper knowledge of accounts, should be good in the natural quality of leadership and should have a good interpersonal skill.

Learning and Development:

So all that’s needed in this advanced modern era, is a smart and sharp mind. An intelligent mind can gain over any powerful brain. All that’s important is a proper Learning and Development plan. The plan analyses the mind of the individual, recognises the hidden positive ability among them and focuses on individual talents. Thus the process can successfully do with the skills of the individual. That is what the organisations needs from its people. Obviously a basic training about the process and activity of the organisation and its product is necessary for the clear understanding of the procedure. But Learning and Development are equally significant for the employees for the betterment of the organisation as well as to boost the natural talents of the employee.