Following are the What are the standard features of an ideal Webquest?
Webquest Features:
A Successful Webquests generally provide enhanced learning tools which motivate learners to analyse and construct conclusions on their own.
It should support all learning styles and environments facilitating learning anywhere anytime without restraints.
Thus it engage learners constantly in actively learning and motivate them to explore different online/offline links for further digging before making
Offer the learning path similar to that of Bloom’s Taxonomy; i.e. reflecting knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation.
It directs individual learners or groups towards the learning paths and conclusions different than other individuals or groups thus reflecting their favoured learning routes and the consequent results.
Webquest Structure:
A typical Web-quest consists of the following requisites:
Introduction to the Activity: This describes background about the subject of the webquest and crystallises the problem to be solved or an exercise to be completed.
List of the Tasks: Here the method of solving the problem is broken down into tasks and each task specified and explained.
Resources: These are the items and relevant information available to solve the problem or to complete the exercise. It might be pointers to places to look and explore, such as relevant internet links.
Process: Using the above resources, the overall steps contained in this section when followed should resolve the problem or lead to completion of the exercise.
Evaluation: The findings along with results of the exercise or solution to the problem are collected together at this stage, analysed and discussed. The tools and resources used to get to this point are also mentioned and the usefulness is also described. Skills gained in using the resources are also highlighted in this step.
Conclusion: The results of the evaluation stage are used to draw one or more conclusions from the exercise or problem just solved.