The business analyst should have the knowledge to deal with the stakeholder’s needs in relation to understand the IT requirement. A business analyst should have the ability to act as a catalyst between the business client and their software requirement. On the other hand the concept of systems analyst is very clear to the organisation. A systems analyst is only responsible for the software programming and the coding. They are the technical people. They should be precisely pin point to the issues or the changes that need to be made.

User requirement to  project:

To get a better level of end result it is significant to gather the exact requirement from the end user. It will lessen the activity of research and exploration as well as the organisation can cater the need of its user in a batter way. So to understand the need, requirements and expectations of the end users generally, many business houses follow a workshop method while they have a lot of end-users. The business analysts often to be more customer oriented can carry out face-to-face interviews if they have few end-users.

Case Diagram:

The business analyst should use case diagram clearly describes the role and responsibility of each of the associates of particular jobs. It is however a part of UML. This is a behavioural diagram which depicts the task of the performer that is associated to a specific system. For instance in case of a “Order Management” system the main performer refers to the person who takes the order.

There are some well-built positive interpersonal relationships which are quite significant for the achievement of the business success.

Thus to conclude it can be said that as a business analyst must consider a lot of issues like the organisational culture, identification of various changes which can impact the project management.